Sunday 4 December 2016

Technical Evaluation of Ultra Short Film

Appropriate Techniques (Parallel editing) 

The technique that I have used in the ultra-short film is parallel editing also called crosscutting. What this techniques initials is two or more scenes that are happening at the same time that are cut from one to the other, they should have a clear connections to each other.

Where I had used this technique in the ultra-short film is at 1:15 to 1:40 what I had done to show this is that I had three different scenes that were linked between each other. I had three actors that where doing some kind of actions. For example the main actors in walking down the street. The drug dealer is selling drugs and smoking drugs and the girlfriend is getting ready to go out on a date.

How this Techniques impacts the audience is it made the audience ask questions to them self of how the three scenes are connected, and who would the boyfriend choose, would he choose the girlfriend or the drug dealer. Why I as a filmmaker wanted to include this technique is that I wanted the audience to gradually follow the characters storyline and to experience the journey.

Appropriate Transitions

The transition that I had use in the ultra-short film that was unique was a swipe. What this transitions is that there are two shots the first one is  on screen then the second shots comes swiping in from the left hand side. Transitions is placed in every media where it places two shots together, example of what transitions are commonly used e.g., cut, fade and dissolve.

Where I'd used a form of transition in the ultra-short film is at 1:53. What you can see on screen is that there are two actors that are hugging while the camera is tracking left, with a swipe of the next shot that links together. What the next shot includes is the main actors that walks up to the door and knocks on it, this is to represent the previous to make it seem like there both did the same action.

How this transitions effect the audience is that is gradually brings across the main character change of actions that he had chosen the drugs dealer of the girlfriend. Why I as a filmmaker do transitions like the swipe is to represent the next short and what it may mean. As I had used a swipe to show the other side the main character chooses.

Appropriate Conventions (Cutaways)

The convention that i had used in the ultra-short film was a cutaway. What this convention does is that it is filler shot where it could be placed in an interview, talents shows, and conversation in movie, where this allows to cut down the duration of the shots and to make the scenes look less jarring to the audience.

I had used a convention of cutaway in the ultra-short film at 0:24. What the shot denotes is that there is a shot of the actor’s left hand that is near his right pocket. This is a filler shot that allows us to cut the shot down to allow the next transition flow without looking jarring.

The effect that the conventions does to the ultra-short film, is from the film maker view is that is makes the scene look smoother, as it make cover up the jarring cuts. The effect that this has on the audience is that it gives them a clue to what the cutaway may relate to further on in the scene.

Effective pacing

The effective pacing is where there is a clear representation of two different speeds of cuts. The effect that the pacing allows the filmmaker to do is to show the amount of intensity of actions from the actor. This also allows the filmmaker to control the duration of footage to shown to the audience.

What you can see in the ultra-short film is that I've added fast and slow pace cutting to the film, where I've added fast cuts is where the actors has taking drugs this a representation of fast thoughts you have when you are on drugs this is shown at 0:12-0:20 and then it's changed by the slow pace cutting to represent the aftermath of drugs and the slows representation of the body of the actors recovered from the drugs this is shown at 0:21-0:50

How the pacing of the ultra-short film effects the audience is that it creates a representation of the drugs and the aftermath of the drugs. How I as a filmmaker used this am to make the paces of the cut represent the mental and physical representation of the character, I had done this to create an effect on the cuts on editing.

Convey information effectively

Convey information that I had included in the ultra-short film effectively. It is where the information has been shown across in a clear representation to the audience.

Where I have used to convey the information clearly in the ultra-short film is at 0:51-0:58 second. The information that I have brought across is that the boyfriend is feeling nostalgic and upset, why this is that he has to choose his girlfriend of his drug dealer. This also brings across information that he has a girlfriend and he is in love with someone.

How the convey information effectively effects the audience is that it create more of a story. It give out more of the information for the audience to understand what the story mean and what has happened in the past to the main character, it gives background information of the character.

Use sound to create Impact

Use sound to create impact is a technique that is used to emphasise to the scene. What this could also be called us motivated cut, were a sound is placed to emphasise and the next scene. It is a specific sound effect this is placed to create an impact on the scene.

Where I had used this technique in my ultra-short film is at 0:49. How this is shown in this part is that that there is a motivated cut that is placed in the part where the sound impacts the shots to trigger the motivated cut scenes, the sound effect that is used is that a sound of notifications sound is placed to trigger the scenes to create an impact and deliver more information to the audience.

How the use sound to create impact effect the audience is that it emphasise the scene, because it wants to stand out, as it want to show the importance to the scene. I as a filmmaker wanted to do this because i wanted to make the cutaway scene have a big impact to the storyline.

Synchronise sound and vision

Synchronise sound and vision, is another way of saying cutting to the beat. It is where the beat of the soundtrack that you placed in the film matches up to the beat of the soundtrack.

Where I had use the technique of synchronise sound with vision is at 1:17-1:35. How this is seen at this moment on the ultra-short film is that the parallel cutting of where the three characters that are linked to each other are cutting to individual shots to match with the beat of the music. The cuts are made every four beats of the music, what this is called is cutting to the beat.

The effect that synchronise sound and vision does to the audience is it keep them entertain, and engaged because the there is a sound track and cutting to the beat have a music video effect to the ultra-short film.

Mixing soundtracks

Mixing soundtrack is done in the process of editing it is where you level up the sound to be effectively heard by other. Where this may be seen is the background music may be levels down so the dialogue sound track can be heard by other.

Where i had used this editing technique of mixing sound is at 2:13-2:24. How this is used at this moment is that the back ground music is level down so the audience can still hear it but is not interfering with the sound track of the dialogue from the characters, which has been placed up to 1db to put more emphasis on the characters dialogue.

The impact that this mixing soundtrack had on the audience is give them a more realistic environment when watching the film, as it define the environment that the film was shot in. Why I as a filmmaker want to do this is to create live into the locations and to create representations of the location that the character is in.

Overlap sound

Overlap sound is where you use more than one sound track over the video. What this may be heard as being the sound of the character speaking, with a wildcat sound and a music sound track in the background. This is seen as one track on top of the other.

Where I have used the overlap sound in the ultra-short film is at 0:58. What you can hear at this moment is three different sound track that have been over lapped on top of each other. The first sound you can hear is the dialogue of the character of what he had said, then you can hear the wildcat in the background to match the setting of where they are and the final track is the music sound track of romantic music to convey the mood at this moment.

Why as a filmmaker I would use to overlapping sound is that I wanted to cover up more of the empty space with sound that could have effect the representations of the scene. The effect that this has on the audience is that gave them an idea of what the scene was going to be about due to the multiple sounds that was overlapped.

Offline/online editing

Online editing is the actual editing that you do on the computers in this case is was an I-Mac and offline editing is checking the shooting script to see if all the shoots are there that were meant to be filmed.

What I had done in this step is that I had pre done the scrip, as this was the pre-production stage of the productions and it was filmed on the day of the productions and online editing was done in the post production stage of where the footage is editing of was final cut x. what you can see on this stage is the timeline of where the footage was stitched together.

The effect that the online and offline editing does is that it allows me as a filmmaker to control of what i would be include in the final cut. As offline editing gave me a structure of what i will be editing at and online editing made me create what was on paper onto the screen.

On screen text

The on screen text is the, typography that is placed in the video, where this may be seen is in the intro, outro or other places in the video to display information. It is text that helps the audience to get more information from the video to understand the narrative.

Where I had placed the screen text in the ultra-short film is at 0:02-0:04. How this is placed in the ultra-short film, is that the background is blurred out, and then the text flickers in, with is done by a key frame techniques, the text has a red outline so it  could stand out from the background. The sound transitions is match with the heart beat as it flickers in on a heartbeat and flickers out on a heartbeat.

The effect that on scene editing did to the ultra-short film is that it directed to the audience of what the short film was about. Why i as filmmaker use typography in the film was to give a hint of what the film may be about and the colour that is used to represent the mood of the short film as i had used red to should that the short film may shed blood or be romantic.

Image Editing

Image editing is the editing that you have done on the visual side of the video. What image editing may mean is colour correction, colour grading, effects and cropping. This is used to make the video look to of a more professional standard.

Where I have used image editing in the ultra-short film is at 0:36. What you can see on screen is the side of the character that is sitting on the ground outside. The editing effect that I have done is that i have placed an effect on the footage of letterbox where is cropped down the video to have the ratio of a cinematic film, then I had added a lumer effect to make the look seem dark and then I had colour graded the footage to look blue to the footage had a mood of lifeless.

The effect the image editing has to the ultra-short film is that it allows the footage to look more meaningful to the audience. Why the film maker might want to do this is to create an emotions to the scenes, and indicate to the audience of what there should feel when watch the scenes.

Audio Editing

The audio editing is the editing that you do for the sound/audio side of the video. What audio editing may mean is the effect that is placed on the audios that could improve the sound of the audio or the change the sound of the video.

Where I have used audio editing in the ultra-short film is at 0:26-0:35. What you can hear is the wild cat that i had placed in the background. The effect that I had placed on the wild cat is that I had done a process of noise removal to make the sound of the wildcat for smooth without is high pitch level or wind placed in the sound.

The audience affect that audio editing has on the ultra-short film is that is make the footage feel fuller to the audience. What the audio editing is the most important elements when it comes to editing is this turns an empty shot to more active shot that create more of the storyline.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Process Evaluation of Ultra Short Film

Software applications

The software application is the editing software that I had used to edit you project on. It is a digital source where it is usually placed on a computer or laptop of where you can get access to it. It is software where you cut and stitch digital video together.

The software applications that I had used for the post productions stage of the ultra-short film was Final cut X  version 10.2.3 it is an advance editing programme that is only found on an apple platform, for example the I-Mac, MacBook pro or air.

The effect that I had when using this application is that it was an advances editing software what this program allowed me to do is more technical edits such as, colour correct, colour grading and sound mixing, these elements had allowed me to editing my ultra-short film to a high film slandered for my audience to view later in the final cut.

Hardware (Non Linear)

Hard ware is the physically elements that you had used to edit your project. What this could count as is a laptop, net book or a computer. It is hardware where you could get easy access to the editing software application.

The hardware that we had used to edit that ultra short film on was the I-Mac. It is an apple product which allowed us to run our software applications without any problems. We had this hardware because it was the only hardware which allowed final cut x to be accessible on it.

The reasoning of why we had used the I-Mac for our hardware was that the editing software that we had was final cut x and only ran on apple computer. We had also used this because it was a fast hardware which ran the interface of the software clearly. The IMac was all in one built which allowed me to access the SD cards ports easily.

High Definition/Stranded definition 

High definition and slandered definition is the quality of what you have filmed and edited you video at. It is also the frame that you have also filmed at that could affect the quality of you video. Film is usually filmed at 25 fps with a 1080p quality.

I had filmed the footage at a high definition frame ate i had filmed the ultra-short film at 1080HD at 25 frames per second, as this is the standard HD film rate that the film should be filmed and edited at. I had made the editing software setting at 1080p at 25fps to match the recorded quality and not to lose out on quality.

The reasoning of why we had filmed and rendered the video at High definitions is that I wanted to get the best quality out of the final video file. I also wanted the audience to watch the ultra-short film at its best viewing quality.


Tapes are the storage of where we had recorded the footage on. What this tape could be is tape, film reel, SSD or a SD card. This is where the camera footage is placed a then is placed into the hardware and transferred to.

What I had used as tapes where SD cards as this was the only sources of tapes that were accessible for the camera and also this was easy to upload the takes onto the I Mac because it has a SD cards slot to transfer the footage to the local hard drive.

The reasoning of why we had SD cards to place to footage on was that it was the only tape that was able to be placed into the camera to record the footage on. Why we had used SD cards was it allowed us to place the footage onto a tapes that was easy to access.

Hard disc

The hard disc is where the footage was imported to and where it was stored and placed. It is an internal hard dive that is placed in the hardware that you are using to editing you film project on. It is a drive that could be 250GB to 2TB hard drive.

The hard disc that the footage was placed at the local hard drive on the IMac. It is where we had uploaded the footage from the tapes into the local hard drive. By doing this it allowed us to place the footage on a file that was easy to access when editing the file and this allowed us to place a large amount of footage onto the file 

The reasoning of why we use hard disc is that it allows us to upload the footage into a placed that was easy to access when editing. The effect of uploaded to a hard disc is that it is internal placed on the I Mac which makes it reliable, because the hard drive is internal.

Data Transfer rates

The data transfer rate, is the speed that the tapes transfer all of the recorded footage onto the hard disc on the hardware. It's the rate the video is uploaded at and the duration it takes to upload all of the footage onto the software ware it will be edited at.

In this case the data transfer rates were coming from the SD cards. The rate that the SD cards were transferred at was 80mb/s. What this mean is every 80mb of footage it would take one second to transfer into the I Mac.

The effect that this process has is it allowed the upload of footage to be faster. Before it use to take 1 second for every one second of footage , which meant it would cost a lot of time, but due to the technology development it has allowed us to transfer the footage faster onto the I Macs and has allowed us to spend more time to edit the project.

Exporting Productions

Exporting Productions is the end step that you do when you have complete the final cut of the project. This is where you render the project into one file.

What I had done is that I had rendered the final cut of the ultra-short film to 1080pHD of 25fps. This process took 3min. This was a quick and easy process where it made the file be condensed down into a smaller file for other to load the video up easy without any buffering

The effect that this process is that it is the final step when you have completed the project is a step that allows you to distribute your film that you have complete it is to create one file where you can view on multiple devices.

File types, eg mov, avi, flv:

File type is the file that the final video project was rendered. And what the platform the videos could be viewed at. Some of the file type example includes mov, avi, flv and mp4. It is the file of where the project will be compressed at and the file would be labelled at.

The file type that I had rendered the video at was MOV. The reasoning for this was that the hardware that I was working on was an I Mac and the default video file type is MOV on quick time, which made the video easy to view on the I-Mac.

The effect that I have on choosing this file type is that it may be harder to view on other platforms for example a window computer may not support the MOV file which may lead to downloading a different video viewer. Some of the other file type may be expensive to view such as the flv file as you will need Adobe flash software which needs to be purchased.


Compression is a process of where the file that you have been working on in the editing software is condensed down into a small file. The stage that this process is done at is at the final stage of rendering the file project into one file.

I had compressed the file twice; the first stage was at the rendering stage where I had compressed the 20GB file into a 350MB mov file. Then it was compressed at the stage of the uploading the video at the process stage, where it made the video size smaller size.

How this process my effect my video is by compressing the size of the video, it will lead to losing out quality of the video when rendering the video and by the compression process on YouTube this will also reduce the quality of sound and video. This is a good effect where it is quicker to load up the video because it has a smaller file to load.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Preparing footage for editing

Saturday 5 November 2016

Production Reflection

What were the main strengths of your production phase?

The strength that we had during the production phase was the technical skills as we as a team had our equipment when we need it at the right time. What this had done is that it allowed us to film as many takes as possible without wasing anytime. the equmnetss was placed in the right place at the right time, you will see in the contnet that the sound recodes are placed correctly by the team , as techncally we had a 
Another strength that we had in the production was that all of crew member that was in charge of sound, camera, script (Directing) showed up on time at 7:00am, as we were intended todo.Which had really helped us on time managment and to get the right look aesthtics of the shoot.We were able to shoot 80% of the film in one day, i am proud of this due to the lake of light and the amount of shots we had on our shooting script.

What challenges did you face during the production phase and how did you overcome them?

The challenges that we faced during the production phase was that we did not have enough sunlight time when filming, as we had started the production at 7:00 am but did not have enough time of day to complete all the shots.How we had overcome this problem is that we had to spread out the filming on to do day to get the fullest of the daylight, the effect that this created is that it allowed us to release pressure from the crew and cast of not cramming all of the filming in one day.
What other challenges that we faced during the production phase is that the microphone that we were using died out, because the batteries had run out, we had realised this after we had record the performance that the microphone had died, which had impacted us to a really going performance that we had filmed on screen. how we had resolve this is that we had replaced the batteries in the microphone, what effect this created is this had cost us some time because we did not have the correct ones and had to go to the local shop.

What changes did you make from your planning? Why did you change these things?What was the impact of the changes?

The changes that we had made to the scrip when filming is that the montage section was location was changed from the Park bench to the living room at Ben house. why we had changed the location is that it would make the scene look more believable this has also allowed the to indicate more of the genera of the film of British realism. What was the impact of this change is that we had control of the environment that we filmed at, at this allowed the use to create a locations that match the characters conditions and the genre.
We had made a change of the duration we were going to film on set of the production, as we had released that there was not enough sunlight left in the day and also that one of our actors did not show up when we had needed them, what we had is add another day to the production, to allow us to spread out our film schedule. what effect that this had is this made it easier for the actors and the crew because it allowed them to spread there time out instead of filming all in one day which could have drained the actors and effect there performance.

What improvements would you make to your production Process if you were to do it again?

What improvement that I would have made if i had done the production again is that I would have, picked out more reliable actors that would show up on time, and that would be committed to working with us on the project. As one of the actors that we has waited to film an outdoor scene did not show up, why this was an effect to our production is that we had limited amount of sunlight left to film outside.
Another improvement that i would include when doing the production process again is that i would have filming the indoor location with more light. as we can see this in the encounter part of the filming we had done, as the lighting in the door was to dark, which lost out of detail in the shot, the effect of this is that it had made the  footage look non-professional, due to the grains shown in the shot from the low light condition. 

Saturday 29 October 2016

Ultra Short Film Proposal

What is your genre?

The genre for our ultra short film will be British Realism, with the sub genre being thriller. We want the audience to constantly sit on edge whilst also really relate to what we are showing them. We feel that the success of the film will stem from the emotional connection the audience has with the charcaters. We feel that our film is perhaps less about the plot line and more about the emotions that each character goes through. Each scene is based on the decisions that our characters make, which perhaps is the ultimate message we aim to pose the question to the audience about why we make certain choices in this world and what purpose do they carry. The film uses many elements of British Realism through its use of drugs, and the ease of obtaining them and further, by exploring the fragile relationship he has with his girlfriend, it shows the grit and struggles of life, which is something our audience would really relate too. 

Who are your characters?

Our characters consist of 1 female and 3 males. The main character will be a white younger male, addicted to drugs with a fragile relationship with his girlfriend. His girlfriend is a white, long brown haired younger woman, who is having an affair with another man, she is on edge with the relationship and can not understand the position she is in. Our drug dealer character will be a black male, slightly older then the other characters, he goes about his business playing as a side character. Lastly we have another male, similar height and build to our main character, which will only appear for one scene. He is the lover which simply knocks on the house door of the girlfriend.

What is your setting?

The setting for our film will be east London, present day, we wanted to film something that we as a production crew knew well, thus being able to reap all of the resources available to us. The genre has more decided our setting for us, we felt that to make a successful British Realism film we would need to make it very relatable for the audience which would be to set the film in present day. We will be using a house to mostly film, we need various locations such as the bedroom, front door, kitchen etc to film the majority of the indoor scenes. In terms of any filming from the outside we only need to use Seven kings park for the flashback scene, and the high road for when our character starts to walk.

What is your storyline?

The plot for our film will be a mans journey and struggle through drug addiction, and his fragile relationship with his girlfriend. He must decide who he will walk too, whether it will be his drug dealer or his girlfriend, however he does not know that she is cheating on him. We start the film with a fast paced montage, where we see our main character on drugs and the high he feels. He will then wake up on the side of the road, where he receives 2 texts one from his girlfriend and the other from his dealer. We will then use a motivated cut to go into a flashback scene of when he was happy in his relationship. As we see him walking down the road with his final destination unknown, there will be some crosscutting, between his girlfriend getting ready to go out and the dealer selling to other people. A man who we think is the main character then knocks on a door that his girlfriend opens, but it is not the main character as we reveal she is cheating on him. Instead he chose the pathway to more drugs as we enter the encounter scene, between him and his dealer. The film ends with a split screen on one side we have his girlfriend, crying distraught about her life decisions, and on the other side we have himself doing drugs and ruining his life. Whilst we will start the film at a fast pace the majority of the film will be a slow pace. This enables us to dwell on the emotions that our characters go through. Our main concept concentrates more on the decisions a person makes and why. Not only do we aim to portray the ease of drugs but also the little world/bubble that they have created for themselves, which is something that every viewer can relate too. 

What is your narrative ?

Our narrative will be a more non-linear format, whilst it does tell a story it wont be a standard sequenced film. We dont want to create confusion for the audience with the complexity of our film, but equally we want events to be scattered and we want to constantly show something new to the audience. Our hope is that this will keep them on edge and they can really connect emotionally with the characters created. We chose to have a flashback scene specifically to keep the film more non-linear, we felt that by scattering memories and keeping the film very ambiguous meant that the audience would be compelled by the emotional ties they have with the characters, to ultimately create a successful film. 

How will your film incorporate all the Section A techniques?

The opening of our film will consist of a fast paced montage, denoting the mind and acts of our main character under the influence of drugs. We want to really incorporate a fast paced editing rhythm within the montage to enhance the effect of drug use to the audience. The slow paced rhythms will happen when we release the characters real struggles, as he walks ambiguously to either the drug dealer or his girlfriend is when a very slow pace will happen. In terms of transitions, of course there will be cuts that run throughout, but we aim to use a variety of transitions eg fades and dissolves during the flashback scene. We aim to use the 180 degree rule, shot-reverse-shot and cutaways in one of our last scenes, the encounter scene. Here our main character will be sitting with the drug dealer in his room, talking and taking drugs.  

How will your film incorporate at least two of the Section B techniques? 

We will be using jump cuts during the scene where our main character will be walking almost endlessly down a road that will take him to either his dealer or his girlfriend. Through this scene we will use crosscutting and parallel editing techniques to show his girlfriend getting ready for what seems like a date night and to also show his drug dealer constantly on the phone, and selling to various people. We will further use a motivated cut during the first scene of the film, where our main character is going through his phone, we see him looking at his phone, then cut to the phone and then cut into a flashback scene where we see him and his girlfriend happy. Furthermore, we will cut to a soundtrack during the crosscutting scenes, they wont be particularly fast cuts to the beat but rather we want to have a slower song that can distinguish the cuts between the two scenes.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Purposes of editing case study: The Good The Bad and the Ugly


Withholding information (7:47) (8:21)

The conventions that are used to show storytelling and to creates a development of drama, is withholding information we see two elements of this techniques used one is use the first is used at 7:47, where Clint Eastwood say to Eli wallach that we knew that there was no bullets in the gun, as Eastwood Characters held this information from the audiences. where else we see this techniques used is at 8:21 where Eastwood knew where the money was, as he has known which coffin the money was at. The purpose of this use was to create drama, is was to create mystery to the audience, then was told to the audiences and reviled of where the money was and if there was any bullets in the gun.

Status of the actors shown is cuts and the duration

What else we see the status of the characters presented is at 0:21. we can see that there are three characters presented, which are Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Eli wallach. WE get to see the level of importance of then within this scenes. what we see first is that the durations of each shot describes the each characters personality. we see fist Clint East wood where we see that the durations of shot are longer as their are a couple of frames longer then the other two characters, what this tell us about Clint East wood character is that he is clam in the situation, then we see that Lee Van Cleef shoots are seen to snap off him quickly what this tell us that his character is seen as aggressive and the Eli wallach character has a normal pace cuts which shows a status of nothingness.The effect that this created to the audience is that they can see the conditions/mood that the characters are in and how there feel to each other, it allows them to understand the characters more.

Combining shots into Sequences


The Good The Bad and The Ugly uses continuity editing through out this scenes but where it is used with precised accuracy is at 2:10, were we can see the stand off winning shooting the looses into is grave. as he shoots him with a mid shot when there is a seamless cut to the villains being his with the bullet and falls into the grave, why this is used is to create a flow of the scenes and to make scenes to the audience. what continuity does is that it makes invisible cuts between the actions, the purpose and the effect of why seamless cutting is used in this scenes it to allow the audiences to understand what is happening on screen, it was to create fluent flow for the audience to view, this techniques is used to follow the character in a clean order.

180 degree rule & Shot Reverse Shot

180 degree rule
Shot revered shot

What we also see in The Good The Bad and The Ugly scenes is 180 degree rule used and shot revered shot techniques used within the stand off scenes. why the 180 degree is used it to lay out to the audience of where each of the characters are standing. where we see this 180 degree used is at 4:27 of where we can see all three characters looking at each other. as each of the shot are placed in a position that does not mix up the order of where the characters are standing. Where wee see shot reverse shot used is at 0:20 where we can see the enemies and the heroin having a conversation about the money., the first shoot first is placed on the heroin and then is placed on the enemies then is placed back on the heroin.The purpose of why 180 degree is used is to make the audience understand of where each of the characters are standing, it to tell the audience of where the enemies. The purpose shot reverse shot is to mimics the audience reaction to a conventions. the effect of this is to show the relationship between the two characters. this is to create realism in the situation.

Creating Pace

Editing Rhythm 

The Good The Bad and The Ugly has a slow pace at editing rhythm we can see this at 3:44 were we see a long shot/establishing shot of the three character positioning to go into place for their stand-off. The purpose of why a slow editing rhythm is used here is to show an intense situation that is gradually increasing from the characters, the purpose of this shot is to keep the audience engaged and interested. This still shot shows a feel of what speed the characters are moving at, which emphasises the characters movement as there is nothing else moving in the background. The effect this editing rhythm has on the audience is that they feel the emotions the characters are going through and their mental state, the long shot shows they have no way of getting out of the stand-off due to the location of the scene. 

Cutting to the beat and Montage 

The second purpose of creating pace that we see in The Good The Bad and The Ugly, is the editing technique of editing, montage and cutting to the beat. Were we can see this placed is at 6:27, what we can see is that quick cuts made from character and character and weapons, this is linked in with the soundtrack that is placed above where each shot is cutting to the beat on. What this element does is it gathers high intensity, to lead to a climax editing, to the main character shoot the villain. The purpose of why montage and cutting to the beat is used is to show the emotion that the creates are going through, what this also shows is the mental state the the character is going through and how fast there heart is beating at that moment of there life of death situation.

Saturday 8 October 2016

The Development of editing

Before Editing

Before Editing existed, this was the first ever moving images called The output of the light plant in lyon, this was because of the invention of the video camera called cinematograph, this was shown in the Lumiere Brothers work. the invention of the cinematograph was the first mile stone of the film industry's future, the ability to record and capture `and ablie to view later on projector.
The first people to pioneer before editing was by two brothers called Louis (aged 33) and Auguste (aged 31). The Lumiere Brothers done a single shot film clip lasting 46 seconds that showed people that are coming out of a factory, the film that was shot was in a ratio at 4:4, as it was viewed as squared format, there was no colour or sound and was black and white. The quality of the footage was poor and grainy, but understandable as it was the first film shot by the Cinematograph it was a three in one as it recorded, developed and projected motion film.
1895, the Lumiere Brothers made history of capturing live action, this was a massive milestone before editing simply because it was the first ever film that was shot, the footage lasted 50 seconds and was done on 17 meters of film reel and today with years of developed technology this idea of recording motion is placed in nearly every electronic device. In total the Lumiere Brothers where to go on to make 10 other films.

In camera Editing

Camera Editing was yet another milestone for the development within the film industry. Robert W Paul created the first ever multi shot video, he was the first person to shoot a film with more then one shot within film, he did this by starting the camera to film and then stopping and moving the location of the cinamatograph then restarting the camera, This type of filming meant that the film reel did not have to be edited by someone physically cutting parts of the film reel and reattaching where they want the film to continue from. there was restriction to film continuously as film reels and other equipment was very expensive.

The pioneer to discover in camera editing was Robert W Paul, at 29 years old he had pioneered this techniques. in his short film called "come along, do!" which was the first film to have more then one shot within film. at 0:07- 0:43 the first shot was shown of the two couple that are sitting on a bench outside of the museum, then we see a next shot of the couple that are inside of  the art museum, as this was the first every film that was to included more then one shot. this short film still told a story even though it had no sound as he used labelled signs (art section) to let the audience know there they were going when entering the doors to their right. Robert W Paul shot 11 film before he had pioneered this editing techniques

Why this was a huge impact to the film industry's future as it allowed filmmaker to film multiple shots and place then into film, This was discovered and introduced by him in 1898. This editing techniques with a modern development is gone on to be placed in every movie in the future to come. This techniques is developed to several hundred multiple shot that are placed in film.

Following the action

Following the action was a editing techniques that was done by George albert smith, as he was the first one to pioneer the point of view shot, and the continuity of action. What he did is that he added filter into the reel to create the point of view style shot. Also the continuity of action was done be follows to action that the actor's did in the scenes.

The first person to pioneer the editing technique following the action was George albert smith, he had pioneered this at age (35) in 1899. He was the first person to complete a post production effect, this was see at 0:17 of where the shot of the women ankle but is shown through a silhouette, it shows it through a cirler view. George albert smith had shot 7 other film before he had discovered the editing techniques of Following the actions.

Why following of actions was a huge impacts on the future of film industry is because it allowed filmmaker to create content that followed and made sense to the audienec without any confusion. This was also a huge impact because there was a technique that was used to show point on view as t was introduced as this was gone on to be used in scenes in American Sniper or a whole movie such as  Cloverfiled.

Multiple point of view

Multiple point of view shot, is an editing techniques that used multiple different shot within a film, it was pioneered by James Williamson, as he was the first that was to create a multi shot movie , as he used 3 shots.

The first person to pioneer the editing techniques of multiple point of view in 1900 was James Williamson at age 45. where this editing technique was first placed was in the work "Attack on a China Mission".What had been pioneered in this film was the multiple point of view shot, 180 degree rule and match on action. We had see three different point of view first introduced first was shown at 0:01 an establishing shot, the second view was shown at 0:06 of the people of the house fleeing to shelter, then we see the third shot at 0:47 of the soldier coming in to fire at the house. We also see the 180 degree rule shown within the movie at 0:49 and 0:55 where the soldiers and house are placed on one side of the screen. We also see the introduction of match of action we see this at 0:50 to 0:51 where the soldier run out of shot towards the house and there is a cut to the soldier running into to the shot of the house.

Jamees Williamson had shot 5 other film before he had discovered the multiple point of view. what impact this discovery had created to the future of film industry is that it allowed filmmaker to tell a story will different view. as this allowed to audience to believe that more then one camera where used. how this is developed to the present day is actions is shots on multiple camera and technology and build of the came have got stronger can and is shown through different view to emphasis the impact.

Shot variation

Shot variation was a development of creating more then one sot shot angle in film making, we see that the close ups has been develop and create depth into the actors feeling, it had indicated to the viewer on how to feel.

DW Griffiths at age 30 was the first person to pioneer the shot variation of editing. this was shown in his work of The Birth of A Nation. This was first shown in 1915. it had a budget of $100,000 and had made a estimated earning box office figure of $50-$100 million. When the film was released it was 133 minutes. what was inducted was the variety of shots , in the film we had see our first ever close this was used to create depth into the actors acting you can see this at 3:28 of a close up of a women. We can also see that he had introduced other transition such as dissolved. Dw Grifiths had shot 2 film before he had pioneered this editing technique.

Why DW Griffiths discovery was a huge impact of the future of the film industry was because it allowed other filmmaker to tell a story with emphasis of acting through the variety of shot.What other impact this created was it developed an idea of telling a full story , as this was the first every feature length film that was shot, as this created a an average time on film. which is used in the present day as 1:30-2 hour film 

Manipulation of diegetic time and space

The manipulation of diegetic time and space was , was a first to create a editing techniques of montage, cutting to beat and the source of editing to a specific paces, this was to develop the idea of match the seed of the actions to the pace of the editing cuts.

Where we see manipulation of decgetic time and space first used is in the film Battleship Potemkin from the scenes Odessa Step the film was 75 minutes long, This is were we see the first ever editing techniques of editing paces, we saw a fast editing past this was matched with the actions on see where people where tumbling over the stair and also the rolling down of the pram down the stair we see this at 2:32. we also see the use of cutting to the beat because all of the cuts that are made are match with the beat that are shown. This rule was discovered by Sergei Eisenstein at age 27 in 1925 he had shot two other movies before he had discovered this editing techniques.

Why Sergei Eisenstein discovering was a huge impact for the future of film industry was because he had had created an editing techniques that was to go on to be highly used in music video and film. This  techniques was represented to show the audience what the intensity of the scenes and what the action of screen contained or the beat of the music. 


Film to video moving to digital format of editing was the transitions if film reels to digital format. as this allowed for the quality of film to be more HD for the audience to view. This also allowed for the format to be worked on to create visuals effect.

The first ever movie to pioneer the the development was Once Upon A Time In Mexico. as this was the first film to be filmed in digital format, which allowed for a better quality viewing to the audience. This format was introduced in 2001 and now is used in ever film format, but before that every other film was done on reels.

Why film to video was a huge impact on future of film making is that it allowed industry to create films that were in high definition to the viewer. As this also impacted the audience view on the film as there could see a clean and defined image on screen in the cinema. This also made is easier for editor to used as digital could have been placed in computer software much quicker and easier and copied for back up.


Analogue was the first every editing tool that was to be invented and used in film production, it was the first piece of machinery to be used to help edit and cut film up, as it allowed to forward and reverse and cut film to the right cut through a live view.

The first ever person to pioneer analogue editing system was Iwan Serrurier, the machinery was called Moviola. it has cost $600 which is equivalent to $20,000 today, which had meant very little were sold. The machine was purchased by the film company for example Warner Brothers and Universal studio. This editing software was invented in 1924 where Iwan serrurier was 46 year old. This editing technology is still available till this day in Hollywood.

What impact this development of editing techniques had on the future of film making is that is allowed the process of film to be edited to me much quicker,this was due to the function and accesseablity of the editing machinery. as this allowed to view the footage live when editing. and make a cut seamlessly instead of of hand cutting the footage and then reattaching the two cut back together.


Digital, was the first editing process that was completely developed on a software, as it was is distribution editing, as it was completely digital , which replaced the analogue editing techniques as this was much more accessible to use.

The first editing software was cmx 600 it was the first every computer editing software, which was introduced in 1971. some of the first ever films to be edited used non liner editing was Star wars and Terminator. there were the movies to using visual effect. The first ever 3D  animations film was Toy story which was introduced in 1995 which was a huge revolution in animation as this allowed the future of film making to create more advance visual effect into there films.

The impact that Non linear editing created on the future of film making is that it allowed other filmmaker to create advance visuals to content to make action impossible to be possible.
This is also allowed filmmaker to edit movie much faster. This also allowed them to store footage on hard rive and make copy. it allowed editor to be more free instead of limited option to the cut there make.

Saturday 24 September 2016

Editing conventions & techniques


Seamless/continuity is an editing technique that make transition look not noticeable. It allows the content to be fluent as possible without looking jarring.

Where we can see seamless/continuity editing techniques is the Terminator scene of where Him and his Past self have fights, the first element that we see is at 2:01 where the New terminator shoots a shotgun at the old terminated which is cut to the shot where he is hit at 2:03 while he is running, then there is a cut at 2:04 where he continues to run to the new Terminator. Further on into the fight we can see at 2:12 that the old Terminator has grab hold of the old one where he begins to hits his head against the pole but there is a cut to a different angle which shows the connection between the terminators head and the Pole this is seen at 2:13.

Seamless/continuity is is a techniques that make transitions to non noticeable as possible, as what this is that each actions is followed to another angled shot, without any mis-leading timing.We see this in the scence of terminators as the Punch is followed to the next angled shot accurately. as the timing of the hit to one shot to the other is clear and followed seamlessly.What effect this creates is that show the clean and fluent transition of the actions in each shot, as this allows to follow the action of the actors clearly. what this editing techniques does is that is allows the audiences to follow the action professionally without any mis-leading shots.

Where I have used this in my work in in my video about cyber bulling where you see a the first shot of the actor opening the door then you see a cut of the actors from the other side of the door as the cut follows the action of the actors, 


The motivated techniques is an element that give a hit to the viewer of what the next shoot would be, as this is a cutaway from the hit to a next scenes.

Where you can see the technique motivated used in Wreck-it-Ralph, is when Fix -it-Felix say to the Sergeant Calhoun that she is a "Dynamite Gal" this is said at 0:24, as this trigger a Motivated scenes to, integrate the relationship of the sergeant with the frame "dynamite gal". What we see in the next shot in the Motivated sense which go to Sergeant previous relation with with a man at 0:27 of the Sergeant particing how to shot with the man siting beside her saying "dynamite gal" but then end in a bad
 memory of the relationship at 0:38 where the two are getting married and get attacked by aliens creatures.

Motivated cut is a sound or phrase that transitions to the hint of the next scene, we see this in Wreck-it-Ralph where the phrase triggers the next motivated cut sense. What effect this techniques creates to the audiences is a change of emotion from the gain of information, as this shows the effect that the motive has on the character, also the audiences see the relationship of the motivated phase because there is a connection.

I have not personally used this in any of my work but this techniques creates a dramatics change in emotion, which can create a greater contrast within the film which can make an impact to a character or a storyline as a whole.


Montage editing techniques is a collection of different shoots of video that are put together into one, this can be used in music video, highlight package, time passing or a training montage.

Where the montage editing techniques is used in the boxing movie Creed in the training montage, we we see the first cut that starts of the montage is at 0:32 where Rocky is placed in the chairs and Adonis is doing one handing push up, then we see a cut at 0:34 of Adonis running up the stair in the hospital where rocky is at wearing different clothes to show that this is a different day. then we see at 0:41 a cut to Adonis running through the street at dusk, where a hoodie , then we see a cut at 0:41 of Adonis at the gym skipping. we see the real montage at 2:00 where there are rapid cut of Adonis training with his team.

Montage is used to to show a collection of video. this could shows training, time passing,highlights or music video, in creed we see a training montage of Adonis doing several activity to train for the boxing match  What effect this creates on the audience is that the character has trains a long time for this fight as this shows to the audience that time has gone past as montage techniques help to cut down the time of Adonis training. This also keep the audience entertains, and not withdraw them from the interest, this is backed up by the music that is placed in the background with the classics rocky music to emphasise the scenes Adonis training.

Where I have used editing montage is in my horror trailer you see a montage toward the end of the trailer,where you can only see snippet's of the movie with music that is playing in the back ground, This was to give the audiences a highlight of what they would see in the movie if they saw it.


Jump-cutting is a still shoot that is placed in the same set or location, but the scenes is  cut up into small segments to show that time has passed.

Where we can see jump cutting is the the Web scene in Spider man one. where we see the first frame is at 1:45 of Peters hand that is trying to figure out how to shoot out his web, Then a few miller seconds later we see a cut of the next shot of Peter's hand doing a different position with his hand.Then at 1:46 we see the third cut of Peter's hand. There are three shot that presented in different time, of when Peter tried to shot his web.

Jump-cutting is used to show the passing in time, we see this in spider-man were Toby (Petr Parker) figuring out how to web but is fail as the jump cut indicate it took a long time to find out the webbing. What effect this creates on the audience, is that time has past, and Peters has tried to shoot his web for a long time. It has only gave us the good and interesting parts to the audience instead of a long shot of him thinking of how to shot his web. This also helped to cut down the time of the scenes to a much simple and to the point scenes as this is a children rated movie.

Where i have used the jump cutting techniques is in my music video Promise me, where near the beginning of the music video where you see the artist and her girlfriend are walking down he street, and the camera stay in one position and cut three time as a jump cut you can see this in the music video at 0:38 seconds.

180 degree rule

180 degree rule is a rule that is used between a conversation or a fights, it is an invisible line that crosses through two people, which shows the indication of where the camera cannot past unless it is shown in the content.

Where 180 degree rule is used is in the interrogation scenes in Now you see me. You can see at 0:54 there is a over the shoulder shot of the detective, where the magicians is on the right hand of the detective then in the next shot we see see an over the shoulder shot of the magicians looking at the detective where she is placed on the left hand side then there is an explicit showing that the camera is placed on one side we see this at 1:06 where there is a two shot in a high angle.

The 180 degree rue is used to show one side of the set location, and not to confuse the audience on who is sat on which side. this is seen in Now you see me, in the conversation of detective and the Magician. The effect on why the 180 degree rule was used in Now you see me Interrogation was not to confuse the audience of where each of the actors where sitting.It also creates an effect to the audience that the see looks natural to them and not out of placed to abstract the viewing experiences.

Where i have used the 180 degree in my work is in my encounter assignment. where we used this was in the conversation we used a two shot to define to the audience of where each of the character where sitting as Ben was sitting the right hand side and Franki was sitting the left hand side, this also help know what side to place the camera.


Splicing/transitions is a must techniques that is used in edited all of the time in all production it link together the information on screen. what transition are used is cuts, fades and dissolve.

An example of where transitions are used is in the Mad max:Fury road Scenes of Immortan Joe death. At 2:32 we Can see a cut on Fouriouse that is climbing across the car to Immortan Joe, Then we can see at 2:33 a shot Immortan Joe coming out the car window to shot Fouriouse, The we can see a slip second cut Fouriouse reaction the Immotan Joe, then there is a Cut back to Immotan joe. 

Splicing is basically a transition this could be cut, fade or a dissolve this is used all over Mad Max:fury road, there are used to show clean cut into different angled shots. The effect the transitions creates is that it shows the following of the story, it allows the audiences to follow the action on screen from different angle in a clean and professional way, as it keeps things fluent as possible.This also involves the audiences because it match the way the audience followers a conversation.

I have used this editing techniques in all of my video as this is a must in all video.I have used this in the Live day BTS video that i editing as there are a load of transition such as a fade at 0:01 and there are cuts at 0:45 to show the variety of things that are happens on the Live day.


A cutaway techniques is seen as a filler it is used in interviews, and talent/game shows. it is used to absents the jump cut in a interviews. it is to make the interview look more cleanly structured less jarring to watch.

Where you can see cutaways used is in the Documentary of Ross Kemp to the extreme work of isis, as there is a part of were Ross is talking to a leader at 37:00 then there is a cut away to one of the soldier at 37:02 as this is a filler shows. We see this again at 37:50 where the leader is speaker and then there is a cutaway to bird at 37:53, that is shown to be in a destructed area.

Where i have used this cutaway techniques is in the Live day production when i did the interviewer where Faris, Franki,Ben and Usama were involved, as i used cutaways to cut down the duration of the interview. 

Point of view shot

The point of view shot is a techniques used to show the first person view of the character the audience are watching. it show the clear view of the characters prospective and the self action that they are doing on screen.

Where we can see a clear Point of view techniques used was in the film Cloverfield. were we can see the whole movie is film in a first person view in the example that i have provided is the Trailer of the Movie. We can see at 0:31 a tilt shot from the food to the actors, this was to mimic the the head movement of the character. We can also see at 0:50 that the character is standing be hide a group of people looking at the TV. this is representing the point of view shot of a human standing in an accurate height

Point of view is a shot that shows a frame that references the view of a person, we see this in cloverfiled where we see the view from the victim that is experiencing. What effect this creates on the audience is that in integrates the audiences into the character prospective because it places them into the shoes of the character and the realism

Where i have used bit of point of view is in my video that i created called culture day at the beginning of the travel you see a prospective of me travelling with time passing cut involved, this was to shows what i went through on the day which was to show the character prospective and there self actions.


Shot-reverse-shot mimics the human reaction of viewing a conversation , fights or a interview. The minimal shot that it must contains is 3 shots as there is a shot over person A shoulder looking at person B then there is a shot over person B looking towards person A and then finally back to the original shot.

Where we can see shot-reverse-shot in the movie The Danish Girl. when the tow actors are having a conversation at the beginning of the scenes. at 0:11 we see a shot of Eddie Redmaye looking at Alicia Vikander, the shot is placed over Alicia shoulder, then we see further on a cut at 0:13 where we can see Alicia Looking at Eddie, and the shot is placed over in a high angle over Eddie shoulders. Then we see a final shot to complete the rule at 0:21 of a shot of Eddie face as this is where the shot started off from and end on to complete the rule.

Shot reverse shot is used to show a conversation, fight and relationship between people.This is used in The Danish Girl to show the Conversation between the Couple and there relationship between each other. The audience effect this creates is realism, as the rule mimics what the audience would look at in a real conversation and it looks seamless to the audience. Because the shot-reverse-shot rule connection to the audience reaction to the conversation of looking at Eddie when he is speaking then looking at Alicia when she starts to speak.

Where i have personally used this in the video encounter, when was an interrogation of the conversation. as we used seamless cutting to show the shot-reverses-shot this is seem when Ben is speaking to Franki, and then Franki replays, and Ben tell Franki to get out. I had used shot reverse shot to show who was speaking within the conversation.

Providing and With holding Information

Providing and with holding information is an editing techniques that is used to show less or more information to the audience which is watch as providing information is telling the audience something that a character do sent know as we know more then the character. and withholding is keeping information away from the audience and there have not seen it.

Where we can see with holding information is in the arrival of the aliens in the Battleship movie, you can see at 0:03 seconds that the two hikers turn back to look at something that they have seen. then the next cut at 0:05 we see a reveal of what the two hikers where looking at and we see the with held information of the ships heading to the earth surface.

What effect this creates on the viewer is that it see the reaction of the actors on screen of shocked, which make the audience feel and ask what is on the other side of the screen , of what are they looking at. there audience is high st this point as there have a demand  to see what are the audience looking at 

Where we can see providing information is in the short movie Two Wrongs. we can see at 2:34 that the character on the right has bought a gun to kill Conner which killed his brother. as this is providing information to the viewer that he has bought a gun to kill Conner as Conner does not find out until 3:15 where the gun is used on Conner and his gang. 

What effect providing information creates to the audience is that it creates a feeling of what the information could do to the other person they are hiding it from. It creates suspense to the scenes and make the audience become tense about the information on screen.

Where i have personally used this techniques is in my short movie about cyber bulling as i used this when the actors looked at his phone and started to cry but the audience does not know what he saw this was withholding information then in the next shot it showed the message it creates

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Editing rhythm

Editing rhythm is a editing techniques that refers to the tempo of the refers to the film and the action on the screen as it mimics the information to the tempo of the editing which is the amount of cuts.

Where we see editing rhythm used is in the famous shower scene of psycho were it illustrates the victims death. At the beginning of the scenes at 0:40 we see a normal paces scenes this was to show that mind state of the victim was at that time as she was clam and relaxed and getting ready to have a shower. Then we see father on the antagonist comes in during her shower and started to stab the victim with a knife this is seen at 1:40, were we see a rapid pace of cut in the scenes this was to show how quick death is and also to show the mind set of the victim as she was in a panic. Then we see that the antagonist had left the victim to die at 2:16. as we see here going down slowing, this is to represent the soul fading away from her body and slowing becoming lifeless.

Editing rhythm is the paces of cut in a film, this could represent the action on screen, or the physical state of the actor on screen. We see this in the shower scene in Psycho where the cuts represent the metal state of the victim being killed. The effect that this techniques give to the viewer is that it give them a visual/editing representation of the situation that has happened. as it allows to make the scene come more to into life. and how death is experienced in the real word, as a car cash is fast but your organs die slowly.It show s the effect of the situation and quickness and the slowness of the situation that is being rhythm into the edit.

Where i have used editing rhythm is in a short film that i worked on about suicide cyber bullying, as i had made each cut slow, to visual representation that mind at that time as you would think slowly at that situation, at pain slowly builds up, to you to go kill yourself.

Parallel editing/crosscutting

Parallel editing/ crosscutting is an editing techniques that is used for denoting two or more scenes that are happening at the same time that are cut from one to the other, as there must be linked together.

Where we can see crosscutting is in the fight scenes in The Dark Knight Rises the first cut we see is at 0:34 where Bane and the Batman are fighting in the middle of down town then there is a cut at 0:38 of the raz-al-gul child looking out of a window as this is happening at the same time as Bane and Batman are having the fight, then we see another cross cut of the Detective trying to stop the people that the the bomb at 0:50 but was not found, then we see another cross cut of the actual truck that has the bomb, then we see another cross cut of Morgen freeman at 1:16 in the lab trying to look for the detonator for the bomb, then we see at 1:18 of the NYC cop escorting the orphan children onto a school bus, then we go back to the fight of Bane and Batman in downtown. In this sense we see five cross cut scenes that are happening at the same time, as the Bane and batman fight that are linked together.

Parallel editing is a techniques used to show two or more scenes that are happening at the same times. we seen multiple scenes been use in The Dark knight rises where there are tying to find the detonator of the bomb which Batman and Bane have a fight.What effect this creates is that is externalisations the relationship between what each cuts mean. It also builds up the suspense of the looking of the Bomb that could blow up Gothem.It shows the relationship between each of the scenes towards the build up.It also creates a question to the audience on who's actually has the nuclear bomb.

I have not used this techniques in any of my project, but how ever i wish to do in the future, as this brings more suspense into a sense and creates mistisry to the audiences of what is happens and why is it happens.

Cutting to soundtrack

Cutting to soundtrack is a techniques used to emphasis the soundtrack or music. as this is the cutting of the shoot with in time with the information on screen. As it matches to every beat to every cut.

Where we can see cutting to the soundtrack is in the music video Counting stars, were we see the first cutting to the beat is at 0:22 this is where the song beat drop and so does the cut transitions then four beats later at 0:24 we see a cut, we see this very 4 beats of the song which shows the cutting to the beat of the music video. 

Cutting to the soundtrack is a example of cutting to the beat, it is used to make the content of the screen interesting for the audience to watch. This is used in the music video Counting star where there is a cut at every 4 beast.What effect this creates is that is enhancing the flow of the song, it makes it more exciting to watch to the audiences because.What else the editing techniques does that is make the music video look more clean because of cutting to the beat, why this is also used is because it looks organised to the viewer which means I does not look all over the place.

Where I have used this editing techniques is in the music video Promise-me that I produces, as I used cutting to the beat to show the enhancse of the song through visuals representations, which matched the cuts of the beats of the song.